Move forward

In a couple of weeks I have found my groove again. Music sounds a little better, food tastes a little sweeter and light shines a little brighter. Since I know a lot of people find themselves in the same situation I used to be in, I would be happy to share my magic with you.

Sedistress 200

I am not the biggest fan of drugs, prescription or not. But sometimes you have to listen to your body. I was absolutely sleep deprived, experiencing panic attacks, nightmares, my heart was continuously racing and I was always stressing out about every tiny detail that held my ex’s name.
And so I went to the pharmacy where I was advised to take Sedistress. A nature-based drug that helps settle your nerves, panic and anxiety. I am not much of a believer but I can assure you, it did help! I found “inner peace” solely by using this product. another benefit: you can use it as long as you please since it is nature based.

Going out

I have said this a few times before but please go out. Surround yourself with people who appreciate you and who make you feel loved. It will remind you of what person you are. You will be able to let go of the negative thoughts that were put in your head and you will start to be yourself again.

Stop caring so much

Am I too fat? Is she prettier than me? Is she staring at me? Do I have to respond to that text (even if I don’t want to)?


Stop thinking about what other people might be thinking. Everyone is different and everyone has his own way of handling things. That does not mean their way is worse or better than yours. Just different.
Once you are able to let go of these negative influences, you will feel liberated.

Explore. Have fun. Learn to say no.


This might be the hardest part. Admit to your current situation. I have been hurting for a pretty long time and due to that, no one will be able to tell me something I did not know. He is a jerk. I know. He is texting other women. He can, we broke up and I already knew he was a jerk. He is moving on. I know, and he can. I honestly could not care less about his life. 
Try to find ease of mind in the situation. You do not have to be able to forgive, but admit to yourself. Downplay it and look at it objectively.


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